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Committee Vacancies

CITB is currently recruiting for Nation Council Members for Scotland (4) and Wales (4).

Nation Councils

Expression of Interest for Nation Council Member Positions

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) are looking for senior, experienced and knowledgeable industry representatives from SME’s, large employers, and independent consultants etc. who can demonstrate a consultative and collaborative approach to partnership working within the Nation Council and with the CITB Board.

The Nations Councils have an important role in supporting the CITB Board in its strategic leadership, by providing insight into industry challenges, across nations, regions and sectors and acting as a sounding board for Trustees. In particular:

  • To capture and articulate to the Board key issues affecting or likely to affect industry over a forecast period of 3 years
  • Together with the other Nation Councils (England, Scotland and Cymru Wales) assist the Board to accurately prioritise support for key issues affecting industry across Great Britain
  • Review and advise the Board on CITB’s Strategic Business Plan (‘the Plan’) to ensure that the Plan appropriately addresses industry opportunities, pressures and priorities as identified through CITB’S evidence base, which the Nations Councils will help to enhance
  • To make timely recommendations to the Board about extraordinary matters arising that may impact on the ability of the Board to deliver the Plan

Each appointment of a Member is for a period of up to three years and is non-remunerated, although travel expenses will be paid. There are a minimum four meetings per year, held either remotely via Microsoft teams or at a given location.

If you are interested, please take some time to go through the Terms of Reference and Role Description to ensure you have the required skills. You will need to fill in the Expression of Interest form and send it to corporate.governance@citb.co.uk.

The selection process will be via paper selection to include input from the Nation Chair. If you are successful in your application, you will be notified of the subsequent Nation Council meeting dates.

Tony Elliott, former Chair of the CITB Scotland Nation Council and HR Director of Robertson Group said:

“The Nation Councils are led by industry, for industry – they are a vital connection between CITB’s Board and construction employers. Our council members offer a wealth of insight based on expert knowledge and a vested interest in construction. The Nation Councils really help to unite CITB with the industry it serves. I’d like to urge any senior construction industry professionals who believe they can help CITB with its efficiency and effectiveness plans to apply for these roles – this is a great opportunity to make a big difference.”