Freedom of information (FOI)
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act means that anyone, anywhere, can ask for any corporate information we hold.
There may be times when we can’t give you everything you have asked for, because the Act has some exemptions which may apply.
How to submit a request
All you have to do is:
- submit your request in writing, by letter or email,
- stating clearly the information you want,
- via our dedicated FOI email address at or online enquiry form.
Responding to FOI requests
Once we receive your request we will reply in writing within 20 working days. If we need clarification, or there is likely to be any delay, we will contact you.
In our reply, we will confirm whether or not we hold the information and provide either all or some of it. If we can’t provide the information we will explain why. For example, we will not be able to provide you with information which may compromise another person’s right to privacy.
We may charge a fee before supplying the information you request. If so, we will write to you giving details of the amount you must pay.
If you are not happy that your request has been dealt with appropriately, you can contact the Information Commissioner
Previous FOI requests
You can search through the published responses to Freedom Of Information requests listed by subject area.