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Found 1514 short duration training standards. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order

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Acoustic Lay-in Grid Ceilings Installation

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: hazards, risk assessment and safe systems of work, installation of metal ceiling components and acoustic plasterboards/ceiling tiles to maintain designed acoustic, working to construction and manufacturers drawings, construction principles. related products (e.g., metal ceiling tiles, plasterboard ceiling tiles, mineral/glass fibre ceiling tiles, fixings, sealants, components, etc.) required tools and equipment

Acoustic MF Ceiling Installation

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the following: hazards, risk assessment and safe systems of work, installation of MF ceiling systems and acoustic plasterboards to maintain designed acoustic, performance. working to construction and manufacturers drawings, construction principles. related products (e.g., plasterboards, fixings, sealants, components, etc.) required tools and equipment

Adhesives, sealants and bitumen for liquid roofing

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to select and use adhesives, sealants, and bitumen for liquid roofing.

Advanced applying printed murals

The purpose of this course is to prepare the delegates for real world mural application. The advanced applying printed murals course covers more than just applying a mural on a flat wall. Complex surfaces, resolving problems with designs and handling obstacles are all covered in this advanced course.

Advanced Scaffold Inspection Training Scheme (ASITS)

This standard covers the training requirements for professional Scaffold Inspectors, Scaffolding Supervisors and Management and others who are responsible for statutory scaffold inspection for more complex structures.

Advanced Scaffolder

This standard covers the training requirements for a scaffolding operative to be able as a member of a team, to erect, alter and dismantle the scaffolds safely and in their correct sequence. The trained operative will also be suitably qualified to lead operations as a charge hand in a scaffold gang carrying out all types (Basic and Advanced) of scaffolding works. The completion of this course allows an operative to register and qualify for a NVQ/SVQ level three. This training standard was previously held under the occupational area Scaffolding.

Advanced Traditional Hard Metal Craft Operative

Agricultural tractor theory test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly.

Agricultural tractor training

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Agricultural tractors practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

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