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Found 1514 short duration training standards. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order

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Conveying pump: pneumatic all types practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Conveying pump: pneumatic all types training

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Conveying pump: worm piston (up to 50mm outlet) with mixer practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Conveying pump: worm piston (up to 50mm outlet) with mixer training

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Conveying pump: worm piston (up to 50mm outlet) without mixer practical test

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Conveying pump: worm piston (up to 50mm outlet) without mixer training

Full details of this standard will be published shortly

Co-ordinating brickwork requirements

The purpose of training against this standard is to provide the candidates with an overview of how the brickwork team integrates with the wider project team.

Corian fabricator

The purpose of training against this standard is to provide candidates with knowledge and hands on skills to fabricate and repair Corian solid surfaces.

Corian worktop installation

The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with the knowledge of how to install Corian worktops.

Correct Fixings for Bricklayers

The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge of the fixings related to bricklaying

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