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Found 1546 short duration training standards. The standards are sorted in alphabetical order

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Fitted furniture renovation - Refresher

The purpose of the Fitted furniture renovation - Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Fitted furniture renovation standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.

Fixed gauge tiling

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install fixed gauge tiles for a new roof, including the: battens, ridge tiles, and verge tiles.

Fixing techniques

This training standard is being withdrawn

Fixing techniques for sheets and panels

The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to support the correct and safe use of fixing techniques for sheets and panels.

Flat roofing (RBM) vapour control layers

This standard covers an introduction in understanding the necessity of a bituminous vapour control layer.

Flint working introduction

The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to support the following scope: This module will provide an introduction to flint in the context of historic and modern construction. It covers material selection, and the core principles of flintwork relevant to maintenance, conservation and new construction.

Floor sawing

This standard covers the training requirements for an operative in floor sawing activities.

Floor sawing - Refresher

The purpose of training against this standard is to provide the candidates with the knowledge and understanding of carrying out floor sawing operations safely,

Floor sawing advanced

This standard covers the training requirements for advanced floor sawing activities.

Floor sawing Advanced - Refresher

The purpose of training against this standard is to provide the candidates with the knowledge and understanding of carrying out floor sawing operations safely.

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