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CBE: Skills transferability in the UK

The UK construction industry has a variety of jobs for people of all ages and backgrounds.

These diverse opportunities mean that those who do not yet work in our sector can, with the right encouragement and training, move into our industry.

It also means that people who already work in construction can change their job, but remain in the sector, with the right training.

CITB’s Construction Skill Network forecast estimates that 158,000 new construction jobs will be created from 2018 to 2022, so there will be no shortage of opportunities for workers who fancy upskilling and embarking on an exciting change of direction.

This report examines how the construction industry can do more to encourage people to upskill and start – or continue – rewarding construction careers.

The green paper lists the challenges industry faces, evidence of best practice, and recommendations on the role CITB can play to promote skills transferability in the UK construction sector.

Using our research

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