Internet Test Centres (ITC) support
An Internet Test Centre (ITC) is a centre approved by CITB to provide testing facilities for tests such as the Health, safety and environment (HS&E) test.
ITC reference documents
The following documents are for new and existing ITCs:
- ITC Scheme Rules (PDF, 454KB)
- Contract and Standard Terms (PDF, 499KB)
- ITC Form of Agreement for Internet Test Centres (PDF, 166KB)
- ITC Quality Assurance Requirements (PDF, 638KB)
- Pearson VUE Technical Requirements
- Technical Requirements - Existing ITCs should log into Pearson Vue Connect go to Resources > Support Materials and search "ITC Technical Requirements" for up-to-date ITC Technical Requirements.
ITC Administrator Test
The ITC Administrator test must be taken as part of the initial ITC set-up. It is an open book test based on the ITC Scheme Rules.
ITC Administrators are required to take the ITC Administrator test annually, on or before the anniversary of their initial ITC Administrator test.
Application process to become an Internet Test Centre (ITC)
Internet Test Centre (ITC) applications are now open. To become an ITC you need to:
- Read all the ITC reference documents above to make sure that you can meet all the requirements and application criteria.
- Fill in an ITC Initial Application Form. This form should be completed in full, even if you are a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO) or Site Safety Plus Centre (SSP).
We will be in touch within 20 working days of receiving your application to advise you on the next steps.
Initial site survey - £250 plus VAT
- Prior to obtaining centre approval, one of our Quality Consultants will conduct an initial site survey to ensure you have everything in place. This fee needs to be paid prior to the visit taking place.
Initial ITC Subscription Fee - £750 plus VAT (please note this may be less as this fee is factored in to align with your annual subscription fee in August of each year)
- This fee will be charged once your initial site survey has taken place and all relevant contracts have been returned and accepted.
Please note this fee will cover your first year of subscription up until August and is charged on a pro rata basis.
For example, if a centre is approved in February, you will pay for 6 months (February, March, April, May, June and July) so the initial approval fee will be £375 + VAT.
Annual subscription fee - £750 plus VAT
- The annual subscription fee will cover your Quality Assurance visits and associated services. (This is to be received following the first August after your approval)
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