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NCC’s Andrew wins Plant Mechanic Apprentice of the Year award
Solution-seeking Andrew Manson has been named Plant Mechanic Apprentice of the Year.

How we’re supporting Scottish Apprentices
It’s Scottish Apprenticeship Week – and our Engagement Director for Scotland Ian Hughes has been busy sharing details of his team’s work with apprentices and employers to get the best skills for Scotland.

Cymraeg at CITB
This St David’s Day, we are putting a spotlight on CITB’s commitment to supporting the Welsh language.

CITB Wales update: 83% rise in skills and training funding
Welcome to CITB Wales quarterly update. Here’s news on our work that will help you get the most from our services across Wales.

CITB’s employer network pilot to offer construction sector specific support
Employers can now receive expert advice and support from sector specific networks, as part of the Construction Industry Training Board’s (CITB) employer network pilot. As well as the local training networks, selected sectors will also be supported making it even easier to find and fund appropriate construction training.

From NCC apprentice to social media superstar
Ten years on from completing her plant operative apprenticeship at CITB's NCC, Amy Underwood is using her huge online presence to promote construction to the next generation.

Helping Onsite T Level students into construction jobs
The CITB and partners (DfE, IFATE, NOCN, Gatsby Foundation and the Association of Colleges (AOC)) are piloting a new way for T Level students to demonstrate full occupational competence once in work.

Apprentices talk to podcast about their experiences for National Apprenticeship Week
To celebrate this year’s National Apprenticeship Week, we’ve teamed up with the Construction Talk podcast to bring you apprentices’ experiences and some industry insights from our Engagement Director for Wales, Julia Stevens.

Apprenticeships: the heart of addressing skills demand
I’m a big fan of apprenticeships. Earning while learning is a great way to start working life. I know because when I became an apprentice gas service engineer in the early 1980s it changed my life.

SkillBuild returns, as huge demand for construction skills remains
The largest and longest-running construction skills competition in the UK returns, with registration now open for SkillBuild 2023.
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