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Canlyniadau'r chwiliad

Wedi canfod 47 prosiect a ariennir. Caiff prosiectau a ariennir eu didoli mewn trefn gronolegol o chwith.

I gael gwybodaeth bellach ar bob prosiect, dewiswch deitl y prosiect

Increasing capacity and capability to deliver immersive learning in construction industry (Immersive Learning) 1
Thema ariannu:


Pwnc ariannu:
Technoleg ddigidol a newydd, Adnoddau dysgu, Cymwysterau a chyrsiau newydd
Arweinydd y prosiect:
AMRC (Advanced Manufacturing Research Company)
Swm a ddyfarnwyd:
Crynodeb diwedd y prosiect:
Building Mental Health MHFA Instructors CPD Awareness Training
Thema ariannu:


Pwnc ariannu:
Newid diwylliant y diwydiant, Cynhyrchiant a dulliau newydd o weithio, Cefnogaeth i gyflogwyr bach, Arwain a Rheoli
Arweinydd y prosiect:
Laing O Rourke
Swm a ddyfarnwyd:
Crynodeb diwedd y prosiect:

This project will allow the 288 Instructors trained through the Building Mental Health MHFA Instructor Training Programme currently funded by CITB to attend CPD Mental Health Awareness training with MHFA England to allow the Instructors to deliver the full suite of mental health training within their organisations/subcontractors to maximise their effectiveness

Asbestos in soil E-learning training package
Thema ariannu:


Pwnc ariannu:
Technoleg ddigidol a newydd, Adnoddau dysgu, Cymwysterau a chyrsiau newydd
Arweinydd y prosiect:
Swm a ddyfarnwyd:
Crynodeb diwedd y prosiect:
  • To develop etraining modules as part of training for people who will knowingly disturb asbestos, that is doing non-licensable work (NLW) and the annual refresher training. It can be used as a standalone training tool and also complementary to current format of training that most people is receiving. 
  • To develop a way to assess the impact of the etraining after it is launched.